In Jan 2016, which seems like a long time ago now, I joined my local gym. For two reasons, I wanted to get out of the office at lunchtime, and I needed to get back in shape.
Over the years, I found myself wanting to learn more about health and fitness, especially around the nutrition side. I started this website to try and help and encourage people of all ages to get fit and healthy.
While creating this site, I’ve had to do a lot of research for articles, and during the Covid-19, I decided to use my knowledge and take the Advanced Nutrition For Weight Loss Diploma Course.
I passed with a Distinction.
The Advanced Nutrition For Weight Loss Course
I had been thinking about taking an online course for a while. I came across an advert for this diploma and decided to check it out.
The Advanced Nutrition For Weight Loss Diploma consists of 8 modules. Each module had its assessment at the end.
These assessments consisted of 10 questions; these are not multiple-choice questions. I had to write the answers in my own words.
For me, each assessment took between 2 – 8 hours. As the course progressed, I found they go a lot harder as the course information is very in-depth and on subjects, I had not read about before.
The Advanced Nutrition For Weight Loss diploma is accredited by The Complementary Medical Association (CMA), which is internationally recognized as the elite force in professional, ethical complementary medicine by professional practitioners, doctors, and the public
Module 1 – The 14 Day Fat Loss Plan
In this module, I got to learn about the first 14 days of the fat loss plan. The first 14 days is about how to kick-start fat loss and health benefits.
The course is based on the peak Performance System, which focuses on health and appearance benefits:
- Increased energy
- Extreme body fat loss
- An increase in lean muscle mass
- Detoxification
- Hormonal balancing
- Decreased stress levels
- A decrease in general health problems
The module also covers why people regain their weight and gain more weight in some cases. The course goes into detail on how to prevent weight gain for long term success.
Module 2 – An Investigation Into Dietary Guidelines
An investigation into dietary guidelines talks about the calorie requirements for both men and women:
- Understand how calories – and more importantly empty calories – increase our weight
- Recommended daily calorie intake for men and women
- Recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals
I also learned about vitamins and minerals, which are essential for our health, and how they help our body function.
I covered the daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals and the primary dietary sources.
Module 3 – Physical Activity and Exercise
Regular exercise is an essential part of an effective weight loss program. Not only for weight loss but how a lack of exercise can lead to various health issues:
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Back pain
- Osteoporosis
I also looked at various Government funded programs to help encourage people to exercise.
This module included how much exercise we require per week and the different physical activities to stay fit and healthy. And how many calories are burned by the average person when performing these activities.
Pre and post work out nutrition is also covered and how much food we require before and after exercise. Even what types of foods to eat and the best time to consume them.
Module 4 – Key Components For Successful Weight Control
Successful weight control is based on 15 critical components for weight loss, which was covered in-depth.
Learning how to avoid and prevent food cravings is essential for getting your weight under control, known as the Carb Addiction Cycle.
The carb addiction cycle
- Eat carbs
- High blood sugar
- Insulin release
- Body fat production
- Low blood sugar
- Cravings
- Back to step 1 eat carbs again
Module 5 – The Fat Loss Program
Here is where the course got into the nitty-gritty of the weight loss program. There are six parts to this module, and is very in-depth:
- The fat loss program
- Insulin Sensitivity
- Phase 1
- Exercise during the fat adaption phase
- Other beneficial supplements
- Key Note
I had not done much research into insulin before. I had to re-read part 2 a couple of times. It was fascinating to learn about being insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant.
Part 5 got very interesting learning about the different types of supplements that can help you lose weight. The way they work is very different from one another, from increasing your Basal Metabolic Rate to having thermogenic properties.
To find out more about Basal Metabolic Rate, read my article on what Basal Metabolic Rate is.
This module defiantly required me to work that little bit harder in digesting all the information.
Module 6 – Important Fact About Protein, Fats Vegetables, and Water
A little bit easier this module as I’ve performed a lot of research over the years on nutrition and what I need to be eating.
The digestion of protein was not something I had looked at before, but again I found it fascinating.
I also covered the Essential Amino Acids, Non-essential Amino acids, and Conditional Amino Acids.
The recommended intake of fats is also discussed and the quantities that our bodies require, especially when it comes to Omega 3 and 6.
By the end of the module, I had a better understanding of:
- Why protein is essential for good health
- Food sources and recommended daily intakes for proteins and fats
- The benefits of vegetables and regular hydration
Module 7 – Anatomy And Physiology Of The Human Body
Now, this was a challenging module, especially around the Circulatory System. Reading about how the heart works and blood moved around the body was a challenging read.
- Body Systems
- Circulatory system
- Digestive system
- Metabolism
The digestive system and metabolism were a lot easier to read and understand for me. It’s interesting to see how the food is passed through the digestives system. And what happens at each step of the way.
I did not expect to be learning about the circulatory system on a nutrition course, but it does play a significant role.
The heart is a pump that pushes blood to the body’s organs, tissues, and cells. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to every cell and removes the carbon dioxide and waste products made by those cells.
Learning about the body systems makes you think about all bodily functions that we’re not aware of happening all the time. Even when we’re sleeping. The human body is amazing!
Module 8 – The Fat Loss Programme Phase 2
The assessment for module 8 took me 8 hours to complete; as the last question, I had to calculate how many calories a person required to maintain their weight based on the information provided.
I then had to calculate how much Protein, Carbs, and Fat the person required. Once I had calculated the macros, I had to come up with a one-day meal plan. I think I may have provided a bit too much information as I listed out the Calories and macro for each meal.
Part 2 of module 8 was all about healthy recipes that can be included in the meal plans.
Phase 2 of the fat loss plan is where I learned about reintroducing the foods that are not recommended in phase 1 of the diet.
When you’re trying to lose weight, there will be a time when you hit a plateau. I learned what to look for, what is causing the plateau, and how to overcome it.
Food intolerance was also covered and how this can make you gain weight and prevent you from losing weight.
Overall Thoughts
I enjoyed taking the Advanced Nutrition For weight Loss Diploma course. It was great to be studying and retaking assessments. I had planned to complete the course in 8 weeks, as I was so immersed in learning, it ended up taking six weeks.
I like learning new things, and even though I’ve been reading up and studying health and fitness for a few years now, this course took my knowledge and understanding to another level.
I wish I could tell you everything I learned on the course, but I cannot. There was just so much more information for me to take in, and over the coming months, I’m hoping to transfer my new knowledge into articles for you all read.
One of the subjects I learned about and have become interested in is Oolong tea, and how it can help with weight loss. I’ve performed a bit more research into Oolong tea. Which has led me to write an article Does Oolong Tea Help With Weight-loss? I hope that you find it as interesting as I have.
Taking this course has got me back into learning, and I will defiantly be taking more courses.